Why a good UX is imperative for the success of a mobile app?

By / September 5, 2016 /

There are a lot of apps present in the app stores and the numbers are increasing with the launch of more and more new apps every day. If you are planning to launch your business app or you are a development company, you need to realize that the competition is tough and to stand out, you need to do something that the users like.

There are some apps that are generating high revenues and in contrast, some are able to fetch only a few downloads even though the ideas are similar. The difference can be attributed to the way the app is delivered to the user and what he/she experiences in it. User experience is what matters a lot in the success or failure of an app. We are hearing two different terms these days UX and UI but not everyone understands the difference between the two terms.

What is UX?

So What is UX

As per Wikipedia, UX or User Experience is the person’s behavior, attitude and emotions about using a particular product, service or system.

It refers to the response that you get from the user once he/she uses your offering.

Why a good UX is imperative for the success of a mobile app?

If the user feels good about an app, they will spread word of mouth for it, which benefits the app developers a lot in their marketing effort. Here are some reasons why a good UX is imperative for the app to be successful:

A good UX increases user engagement

A good UX enhances user engagement of the app, which in turn keeps the existing users attached to the app and brings new users as well. The better the experience, the more people will share and spread word of mouth. For example, Candy Crush app provides an option to the users to invite friends to play quest and compete for their scores. This has made its users addicted to the app and they are inviting others as well.

UX is vital in sales of your ecommerce app


A good UX is imperative for supplementing sales of ecommerce apps. The CTA or Call to Action button shall be placed deliberately at a place that offers users a great experience making the purchase a seamless thing for them. This helps sell more through an ecommerce app. Besides, there are several other convincing methods that offer users a seamless browsing experience and thus enhance conversion rate.


A good UX needs no support

A seamless user experience offers one more benefit, i.e. it does not require the users to waste time in understanding the development process. However, this needs a lot of effort from the development side to deliver what the user expects.

Supports in-app monetization


A good UX supports in-app monetization and enhances the word of mouth spread by the existing users. However, it is important to offer an effortless flow of things to the user.



All in all, a good UX is imperative for the success of the app as the screen size is small and the expectations of the users are on a higher side. Thus a good developer is needed, without question for the development of an app that aims to be successful on the play stores.

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