Selecting a Programming Language for Your Web App? Consider the following factors!

By / December 26, 2016 /

Selecting a programming language is not an easy task especially when you belong to the domain of non-technical users who have to rely on their advisors and partners. The choice of a programming language also defines the success of your business, so it is crucial that you consider the pros and cons of different options […]

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Android or iOS- Which OS should you go for?

By / December 23, 2016 /

When it comes to buying a new phone, more often than not, you have to face the dilemma of choosing between iOS and Android. When you’ve spent most of your Smartphone life on one platform, you may not know what the other platform has to offer. History The first iPhone appeared in June 2007 and […]

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Pacing through the buzzing world of IoT

By / December 12, 2016 /

The domain of IoT is expanding day by day. It is much more than a wearable that tracks your steps, a smart refrigerator that tells you when you have to go to the grocery store or a smart watch that you are thinking of purchasing. IoT is the central system that sends out and tracks […]

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Top 10 Tips for Hiring a Good Developer

By / December 8, 2016 /

An experienced entrepreneur understands that the difference between effectively launching a product and falling in the dungeon of failure is a quality team. Hiring a developer can be the most difficult task when it comes to selecting team members, particularly for entrepreneurs who possess little or no coding skills. Here’s a list of 10 tips […]

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How The World Of IoT Is Changing Our Lives?

By / December 6, 2016 /

IoT is anticipated to change the world we live in. Though we have begun observing its great impact in this digital world, we are still at the starting end of this transformational journey. Very soon every device you possess will be connected to the internet. Whether it is a wearable technology, your phone or common […]

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What Angularjs 2.0 Has To Offer To You!

By / December 5, 2016 /

AngularJS 2.0 has recently been released in the Beta phase and can be downloaded from its official website to allow users get a feel of the added functionalities. Let’s have a look at what all is new in AngularJS 2.0: Good support for mobile development: AngularJS 2.0 provides multiple features for mobile development to make […]

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