Developing with Angular JS made easy with the top 20 tools

By / September 14, 2016 /

Angular JS is one of the best frameworks and is preferred by most Angular JS developer who aspire to design a dynamic app. If you are interested in starting a project on Angular JS, here is a list of top 20 Angularjs developer tools:

    1. Karma–

    Karma is one of the topmost testing frameworks for Angular JS development. It provides the most apt testing environment where testing can be done on real browsers and devices.


    2. Protractor–

    Protractor is an end to end test framework that runs test in a real browser interacting with the app just like a normal user.


    3. Jasmine–

    Jasmine is a behavior driven testing framework that does not rely on browsers or any JavaScript framework.  It works for any JavaScript based projects.


    4. Djangular–

    Using Djangular, one can create Angular JS content per app.


    5. Angular Kickstart–

    Angular Kick start is a great tool that speeds up the development process. It comes with a scalable build system that makes the development process a smooth one.


    6. AngularFire–

    AngularFire helps create a backend for the Angular app. It eases development because of its flexible API, 3 way binding and rapid development capabilities.


    7.– is a tool that introduces mentions and macros widget with no dependencies on jQuery.


    8. Mocha.js–

    Mocha.js is a feature rich JavaScript test framework that is very practical to use.


    9. Restangular–

    Restangular is a great tool that simplifies common Get, post, delete and updates requests.


    10. SublimeText–

    SublimeText is a text code editor for developers that makes coding easier and simpler. Many developers prefer it over other options available.


    11. NG-Inspector–

    NG-Inspector is a browser extension for chrome and safari that adds an inspector pane which assists in developing, debugging and understanding the Angular JS app.


    12. Generator Angular–

    Generator Angular helps to quickly set up a project with sensible defaults.


    13. AngularSeed–

    AngularSeed is an application skeleton for your typical Angular JS web app.


    14. Videogular–

    Videogular is an HTML5 based video player for Angular JS that allows including videos and other multimedia elements in the app with ease.


    15. Webstorm–

    Webstorm comes with a smart code editor that provides great support for HTML, Node.js, JavaScript , CSS and others.


    16. Angular Deckgrid–

    Angular Deckgrid is a lightweight grid for Angular JS, where the directives do not depend on the visual representation. A CSS file is used for all the visual representation.


    17. Angular GetText–

    Angular GetText is a great translation support tool for Angular JS. It simply translates the English text marked for translation.


    18. Mean-

    Mean is a simple and perfect boilerplate that is used by Angular JS developers to create MongoDB, Node.js, Express and Angular JS apps.


    19. Code Orchestra–

    Code Orchestra is a front end development tool that allows developers to write code live style. When the code is modified and saved, it is automatically implemented in the working app using a special protocol.


    20. Angularjs UI–

    Angular JS UI is a collection of UI components and it comes with utility directives that help developers build Angular applications with speed.


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